Hydrogen is profoundly abundant and contributes to a staggering 75% of all mass within the Universe. It is a natural gas and a clean alternative to methane. Hydrogen is present in every molecule in every living thing; it’s in water, animals, plants, and humans. Hydrogen is rare as a gas but can be produced by renewable power forces such as solar and wind, biogas, through the breakdown of food scraps, animal waste and other organic matter, from natural gases and nuclear power.
Potential for limitless supply long-term
When hydrogen is used for industrial purposes, a color-based coding is used to identify the production method. These codes are simple to understand and provide an instant indicator of the products impact on the environment.
Grey hydrogen is created by burning finite supplies of natural gas and releases damaging carbon emissions into the atmosphere.
Brown hydrogen is created by burning the dwindling fossil fuel coal and releases damaging carbon emissions into the atmosphere.
Trojan Logistics will is working to advance a policy of 100% green hydrogen consumption for the transportation and logistics industry.
Green hydrogen is created by a process called electrolysis, which uses renewable energy sources. This process releases no greenhouse emissions into the air.
Blue hydroden is created by burning natural gases, with all emissions being captured and safely stored.
Hydrogen has the highest energy-matter content of any common fuel, approaching three times more than bioethanol, natural gas and diesel. It is the lightest element in the universe and can be easily converted into efficient energy for transportation, heating and cooling. Hydrogen fuel is already used in Japan, Germany and the United States. Trojan Logistics introduces hydrogen fuel to Eastern Australia for economical transportation; with one vehicle being capapble of traveling over 500km without the need to refuel.
The three varieties of hydrogen are formed in vastly different ways. Gray and Brown hydrogen is produced from natural, dwindling fossil fuel supplies and creates sizeable carbon (CO2) emissions. Blue hydrogen is produced in the same way, except the carbon is not released into the atmosphere but stored safely to mitigate any environmental impact. Green hydrogen is produced by splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen with electrolysis. The hydrogen is retained for fuel, and the oxygen is expelled into the atmosphere with no negative ecological impact.
The hydrogen market is already a multi-billion dollar success, but this reflects almost all grey hydrogen. Trojan Logistics is commited to realising its nett-zero-targets and providing a clean, secure and affordable energy source for the future. Limiting carbon emissions is critical to the future and essential for tackling climate change and reducing global warming.
Heavy-duty transportation services will benefit from clean hydrogen fuel. By implementing refuelling stations across Eastern Australia, hydrogen-fuelled trucks will reduce the negative impact of carbon pollution exponentially. Long-haul transportation is responsible for a disproportionate volume of emissions.
Transport represents one of the largest targets for hydrogen use in Australia. While traditional electric-batteries can be used for individual vehicles, they remain too heavy to power large industrial vehicles and aircraft. The establishment of fuelling stations located throughout Australia will further facilitate the conversion of commercial shipping apparatus towards hydrogen power, completely eliminating their harmful emissions.
Renewable Hydrogen provides security for traditional renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind. The ability to store electricity produced by these climate-dependent sources allows hydrogen to provide stability for electrical grids drawing power from renewables. This in turn allows for greater investment in these renewables, greatly contributing to the decarbonisation of the energy industry.
Hydrogen presents a unique opportunity to reduce diesel emissions for RAPS, as its relatively light weight allows for fewer emissions produced in its transportation to remote communities. Estimates show hydrogen competing commercially with diesel in this sector by 2025.
The use of green hydrogen replaces fossil fuels and therefore reduces or eliminates the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Full decarbonisation is the only solution to stabalise the climate and reduce greenhouse gases by using clean energy sources through wind and solar practices.
Stay informed on the latest about hydrogen energy coming to Australia
Trojan H2 Logistics is establishing the first fully renewable energy network in eastern Australia. Creating a carbon free logistical chain is essential to fully recognize the benefits of green hydrogen.
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